Members Present –
See sign in! Thank you for coming!
Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.
Superintendent’s Report: Brian was present and gave an overview of what is going on at the district level. He shared that no cuts will be impacting our school budget at the district level. This year the battle so far has been the heat. The buildings cannot really sustain more than two days of heat, hence the call for the half day last week. Mr. Czapla reported that the winter could also be a tough one.
The lack of routine maintenance to buildings and grounds has been neglected over the last few years, and some issues are in need of repair immediately. The taxpayers of Somers are going to be asked to vote in November on a 6 million dollar bond that would be allocated to the schools for these necessary improvements if that budget passes. The town meeting is on October 25th where all residents are invited to hear more. The suggestion was made to make a video that can be shared on Facebook. (“The Long Range Facilities Plan” - There are two documents on the district website that would be helpful to those looking for more details on these projects.)
Principal’s Report: Dina and Melissa would like to thank the PTO for the Welcome Bags for new staff members and incoming kindergarteners. Adorable, and very well received! Also, a HUGE thank you for all of the dates for this year’s Cultural Enrichment shows ahead of time. Super helpful! Teachers and students at SES braved the heat as well as we could with cooling stations around the building and water. Looking forward to slightly cooler temperatures though!
Treasurer’s Report: Kate shared the 2018-2019 budget. Please review the handout that was provided. The budget for Cultural Enrichment has been increased based on what we think we may have to give. Motion to approve the budget by postponed until next meeting, pending some changes.
We are discussing bringing back brochures to sell “something” ….Yankee Candle was a possibility that was mentioned. October 1st we would get the information and catalogs, orders would be due November 5th. Purchases could be made via order form or online, and merchandise would be already sorted by student order upon delivery. Discussion was held, and a motion was made by Jay, and seconded to Maggie, to give Yankee Candle a try instead of gift cards this year.
Spirit Wear: Dorothy updated the order form for items available, including some new Dry Fit options. Thank you! Brittany will copy them for the PTO table at Back to School Night on Wednesday. More copies will be available at future events and can go home with students.
Cultural Enrichment:
Becky provided an author update. Peter Lourie is scheduled for early November for K-5. Somers resident Kate Hanscom is coming in early February for K-2. We are still looking for another author for 3-5 that is reasonably priced. Becky is very hopeful that local author Renata Bowers will launch her newest Frieda B. book here at SES when it is finished! More to follow on that.
All but one cultural enrichment event have been prepaid, so we received a discount on the cost. The first show is on September 21st, the NED Show for all SES students, that focuses on PBIS Messages.
Purse Bingo: A message will be texted to parents and flier will be sent home with students in the next few weeks. It is on October 6th from 7-10. Snacks and light refreshments will be provided, raffle baskets will be there, and attendees can BYOB.
Back to School Night: Lemonade, water and Oreos will be served to all, compliments of the PTO. Spirit Wear will be sold as well.
Square One Art: The art teachers are working on this with students already. Order forms will go home once artwork is submitted, and ordered items will come in prior to Christmas.
Halloween Happenings: Sonny’s Place is out. A few ideas have been discussed…..should we bring it back to SES and do a Haunted Hallway and dj in the building and a Trunk or Treat in the staff lot? This would take A LOT of volunteers working many hours and seeing it through to the end. OR….We could work with Chris Boucher at the Rec Department and do a Costume Run at the middle school cross country course, with a costume parade for the little kids or a smaller scale run, could bring in a food truck or ice cream truck (people pay for their own food)…trick or treating could be done on the field with the doors from last year’s Halloween Happenings at Sonny’s. Rachel Medrek also mentioned a website where families can sponsor while their kids run….Get Moving… bring in more funds.
***We are going to call a special Halloween Happenings meeting for Halloween Happenings volunteers to plan this event! Please spread the word! A meeting will be held on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 at 7:00 at SES. Potential Halloween Happenings date is October 25th (because kids do not have school the next day).
XL Center Events: Brittany will get fliers to send home to families prior to each event…..
WWE - October
Marvel Superheroes – November
Disney on Ice – January
Globetrotters – February
Wolf Pack - March
Book Fair:
The book fair will be held again during Parent/Teacher Conferences. The Fall book fair will be the regular three days. The March fair will be two days, like last year. BOGO will also be two days. Perhaps we can do a preview of some sort for teachers? The middle school has expressed interest in bringing their book fair back. Someone needs to head that up at the middle school, however. Allison has a few possible interested volunteers.
We need more copies (at least 100) of the kindergarten books for next year’s Welcome Bags.
Box Tops: Becky will ask Dina if she has talked to the grandparents about heading this up for this year. We need to start collecting and submitting!
Gingerbread houses: If we want to do this, we need to reserve dates and start planning soon. 200 people total can fit in Joanna’s. The Lions Club can partner with us for this event. $5 per family is the suggested cost for this event. Marissa will book a night at Joanna’s for December.
Possible Ugly Sweater Adult party: Raffles, contests, etc. This idea has been tabled until we see how the Purse Bingo goes. (Another idea is an adult Brewery fundraiser?)
Meeting adjourned at 7:01.
Next meeting – October 15th at 5:30.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Becky Leiphart.
See sign in! Thank you for coming!
Meeting was called to order at 5:30 pm.
Superintendent’s Report: Brian was present and gave an overview of what is going on at the district level. He shared that no cuts will be impacting our school budget at the district level. This year the battle so far has been the heat. The buildings cannot really sustain more than two days of heat, hence the call for the half day last week. Mr. Czapla reported that the winter could also be a tough one.
The lack of routine maintenance to buildings and grounds has been neglected over the last few years, and some issues are in need of repair immediately. The taxpayers of Somers are going to be asked to vote in November on a 6 million dollar bond that would be allocated to the schools for these necessary improvements if that budget passes. The town meeting is on October 25th where all residents are invited to hear more. The suggestion was made to make a video that can be shared on Facebook. (“The Long Range Facilities Plan” - There are two documents on the district website that would be helpful to those looking for more details on these projects.)
Principal’s Report: Dina and Melissa would like to thank the PTO for the Welcome Bags for new staff members and incoming kindergarteners. Adorable, and very well received! Also, a HUGE thank you for all of the dates for this year’s Cultural Enrichment shows ahead of time. Super helpful! Teachers and students at SES braved the heat as well as we could with cooling stations around the building and water. Looking forward to slightly cooler temperatures though!
Treasurer’s Report: Kate shared the 2018-2019 budget. Please review the handout that was provided. The budget for Cultural Enrichment has been increased based on what we think we may have to give. Motion to approve the budget by postponed until next meeting, pending some changes.
We are discussing bringing back brochures to sell “something” ….Yankee Candle was a possibility that was mentioned. October 1st we would get the information and catalogs, orders would be due November 5th. Purchases could be made via order form or online, and merchandise would be already sorted by student order upon delivery. Discussion was held, and a motion was made by Jay, and seconded to Maggie, to give Yankee Candle a try instead of gift cards this year.
Spirit Wear: Dorothy updated the order form for items available, including some new Dry Fit options. Thank you! Brittany will copy them for the PTO table at Back to School Night on Wednesday. More copies will be available at future events and can go home with students.
Cultural Enrichment:
Becky provided an author update. Peter Lourie is scheduled for early November for K-5. Somers resident Kate Hanscom is coming in early February for K-2. We are still looking for another author for 3-5 that is reasonably priced. Becky is very hopeful that local author Renata Bowers will launch her newest Frieda B. book here at SES when it is finished! More to follow on that.
All but one cultural enrichment event have been prepaid, so we received a discount on the cost. The first show is on September 21st, the NED Show for all SES students, that focuses on PBIS Messages.
Purse Bingo: A message will be texted to parents and flier will be sent home with students in the next few weeks. It is on October 6th from 7-10. Snacks and light refreshments will be provided, raffle baskets will be there, and attendees can BYOB.
Back to School Night: Lemonade, water and Oreos will be served to all, compliments of the PTO. Spirit Wear will be sold as well.
Square One Art: The art teachers are working on this with students already. Order forms will go home once artwork is submitted, and ordered items will come in prior to Christmas.
Halloween Happenings: Sonny’s Place is out. A few ideas have been discussed…..should we bring it back to SES and do a Haunted Hallway and dj in the building and a Trunk or Treat in the staff lot? This would take A LOT of volunteers working many hours and seeing it through to the end. OR….We could work with Chris Boucher at the Rec Department and do a Costume Run at the middle school cross country course, with a costume parade for the little kids or a smaller scale run, could bring in a food truck or ice cream truck (people pay for their own food)…trick or treating could be done on the field with the doors from last year’s Halloween Happenings at Sonny’s. Rachel Medrek also mentioned a website where families can sponsor while their kids run….Get Moving… bring in more funds.
***We are going to call a special Halloween Happenings meeting for Halloween Happenings volunteers to plan this event! Please spread the word! A meeting will be held on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 at 7:00 at SES. Potential Halloween Happenings date is October 25th (because kids do not have school the next day).
XL Center Events: Brittany will get fliers to send home to families prior to each event…..
WWE - October
Marvel Superheroes – November
Disney on Ice – January
Globetrotters – February
Wolf Pack - March
Book Fair:
The book fair will be held again during Parent/Teacher Conferences. The Fall book fair will be the regular three days. The March fair will be two days, like last year. BOGO will also be two days. Perhaps we can do a preview of some sort for teachers? The middle school has expressed interest in bringing their book fair back. Someone needs to head that up at the middle school, however. Allison has a few possible interested volunteers.
We need more copies (at least 100) of the kindergarten books for next year’s Welcome Bags.
Box Tops: Becky will ask Dina if she has talked to the grandparents about heading this up for this year. We need to start collecting and submitting!
Gingerbread houses: If we want to do this, we need to reserve dates and start planning soon. 200 people total can fit in Joanna’s. The Lions Club can partner with us for this event. $5 per family is the suggested cost for this event. Marissa will book a night at Joanna’s for December.
Possible Ugly Sweater Adult party: Raffles, contests, etc. This idea has been tabled until we see how the Purse Bingo goes. (Another idea is an adult Brewery fundraiser?)
Meeting adjourned at 7:01.
Next meeting – October 15th at 5:30.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Becky Leiphart.